Place drop of ink onto paper and dry with dryer, straw, or just let stand.
Apply drop(s) of alcohol to edge of ink and begin to blow back and forth to form circular shapes.
Continue adding inks and alcohol respectively until design is to your liking.
Once dried, begin to use a small art brush or Q-tip dipped in isopropyl or ink to place dots in patterns around the original design.
The real fun is in watching the inks blend together, forming new colors.
Made on Grafix craft plastic 12x12 paper using Copic Various Ink refills.
Products Used:
Redwood SKU: E19-in
Bush: SKU: BG96-in
Antwerp Blue: SKU: B37-in
Neutral Gray: SKU: N5-in
91% Isopropyl Alcohol
Disposable pipettes
Small paint brushes and hair dryer